Saturday, January 12, 2008

WEEK 1 Summary

Buy: Carole Rich - 1. Writing and Reporting News, fifth edition 2. The AP Stylebook
Reading: Chapter 1 of Carole Rich textbook: the new media environment
Writing assignment : Write up Tuesday's opening class, focusing on background of the instructor, as told to the class. 500 wds, due upon arrival at class on Tuesday, Jan. 15th, in hard copy form with your name and the date on the top
Viewing: The blog I set up as a Bulletin Board for our class:
The blog set up by the instructor of our companion class:
Specifially, please scroll down and view the 10 minute video entitled Journalism in the 1940's -- if you haven't already done so.
Bonus Points : bring in examples of things you have seen on the web or in print which you would like to discuss. (whether something works, doesn't work, or something you have a question about)

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